My beloved Jane




I´m so sorry for the total abandonment of my blog, actually at this moment I´m in a struggle in my University. I´m searching for some themes for my thesis and as dispersed person, I have a lot of ideas but none of them materialize. My tutor said he trust on me, but most of my fingers are bitten (yes,  i bite  them when I get stressed or nervous)

As a Literature student  I always love to talk about books and their unforgetable characters,  every good reader has its own top 10 list, that´s the reason why I create this section “ HAT FICTION”, I hope that you don´t get bored!

One of my beloved writers,  Jane Austen, said once: “I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! — When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.” Today I want to talk about two characters that are well known: Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy. Their particular personalities: Elizabeth Bennet has an impetuous spirit, a mind with a lot of prejudices and she loves to read, on the other side Fitzwilliam has a pride heart and he has also some prejudices regarding to the social conditions and manners of the people around him; makes everyone to love them and remember them always.


I will definitly choose the lady classic white hat for her and the classic beige hat for him! My two favourite characters cannot wear a lot of colors or weird brims, they belong to the classic world 🙂

Leave me any comments,




«Somewhere in la Mancha, in a place whose name I do…»

“Finally, from so little sleeping and so much reading, his brain dried up and he went completely out of his mind.” Do you remember the one single classic character, who read so much that got completely crazy? This Spanish book, recently, celebrated its 400 year anniversary, and the entire world (even though the people who do not have read it all) recognize its literary value and might have shared a few of its legendary sentences.

I have to say that I was a little afraid of the length of this book, so it was not my first option for my lecture list but at the University, I had a special course that introduced me to this magnificent story.  The last day of that course my teacher told us: “Now you can feel very good, you are part of the few people that have read this book entirely”.

don quijote - dibujo2

So for this article, I really wanted to share with you the love that I have for Don Quijote de la Mancha. This character has a very special nature, as a “knight-errant”, always searching for new adventures and also willing to prove his courage. I think that the best hat model option for him would definitely be the Traveller Classic by Ecua-Andino. This hat can really get through tough situations like “fights with giants, magicians or brave moors” – a long-lasting and reliable hat, for any trip you have!

The best part is that you can adjust it to your head.

Please don´t think I´m crazy or dummy to make these literary associations, or….who knows maybe I am? Remember that I am a Literature student…;)


You can find this model here.


Let’s stay in touch and don’t forget to feed back with comments,




Do you remember Tom?

This is my first post in the Hat fiction section.   

As I Literature student and fashion lover, I wanted to mix both worlds as French designer Olympia Le Tan did with her book clutches.


Moreover, I realized how most classic novels are full of details in the way writers describe the characters outfits, and many of us remember “Jay Gatsby, standing outside his darkening mansion in that «gorgeous pink rag of a suit» or Anna Karenina at a ball, elegant in velvet, Venetian lace and a garland of pansies; Holly Golightly, effortlessly chic in dark glasses, a slim cool black dress, black sandals, a pearl choker». (Gordon, 2009)

So I was wondering how to start, and then I thought about my first childhood literature character, the legendary “Tom Sawyer”. This iconic Mark Twain´s character appeared in my life when I was 12 years old. I will always remember the big pink book with that special cover. The story captivated me a lot, and I would imagine that I was part of Tom’s Sawyer gang (maybe Becky…who knows?) .


Do you recognize this part of the story? 

 You know what’s cool? Ecua-Andino also has a model called Tom Sawyer, frayed on the brim and with a casual look, perfect for a day in the countryside.

You can find this model here

Let’s stay in touch and don’t forget to feed back with comments,

Andrea Lecaro


Gordon, Helen. (2009) Off to page: Fashion in Literature. http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2009/sep/19/fashion-in-literature
