A blue butterfly named «Luz»

The people who are really close to me know that I started to read influenced by my grandpa’s figure. He had a very big library where I could take any book! During my childhood and adolescence I also received a lot of books with a special signature “para la chinita lectora (for the Chinese reader)” When I graduated of the school I knew that all I wanted was to study something related with the words and fictional worlds.

Last year my father showed me the beautiful song “Mariposa Azul” of one youngest Ecuadorian singer and composer based in New York City named Luz Pinos. In her early years, Luz grew up exposed to a lot of South American pop and traditional music. Since the age of 3 she was singing and dancing to every song she ever heard. She followed her passion and graduated as a contemporary dancer in Guayaquil, Ecuador then decided to move to NYC and persue her carreer as a profesional singer. After finishing her degree in Jazz and Contemporary Music Luz found her own original sound and way of turning her personal stories into, compositions influenced by Ecuadorian and South American rhythms. ( taken from: http://luzpinos.com/)

When her grandpa passed away she decided to made this beautiful song about him, the moment I heard the song it I was immediately touched by her softly voice and the meaning behind every word of the lyric. Later we had a meeting with Luz and then started the collaboration between Ecua-Andino and she, the resolution was that for every special people she knows she will gave them a marvelous hat with a painted blue butterfly on it.

She presented her last single “Mozo” in Guayaquil and was a totally success, you can see here pictures of the event and a recompilation of her entire presentation. I attended her intimate concert and the connection between Luz and the audience was pretty magic! I´m sure she is a totally rising star!

luz and I

Luz and I posing for the picture


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Green, how I want you green…

Hello everyone,

I know I have been since the last year a little bit lost, but my two last weeks of December were very chaotic. I got an operation so I had to stay in bed for about almost two weeks. That’s the reason why I cannot write the last article of the year and for a moment I really believe all the plages of Egipt were falling over me. But nevermind at the end I am very grateful that the Lord took care of me during all this entire recovery process and that my medical exams were very positive. My resolutions for this year 2017 are just simple as to stop doing one of my beloved activities: PROCRASTINATION. I will commit miself to stay focus on the development of my blog, and to maintain you my dear readers well and more often informed.

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Today I want to introduce you the color that will catch everyone´s attention on this year: the greenery. The well-know spanish poet: Federico García Lorca said once: Green, how I want you green. According to Leatrice Eiseman, the executive director of Pantone: Greenery burst forth in 2017 to provide us with the reassurance we yearn for amid a tumultuous social and political environment. Satisfying our growing desire to rejuvenate and revitalize” and that´s exactly what I feel when I try to choose one of the multiple shades of green that our Ecuadorian hats have. The green color, all time associated with the nature and it´s healing power, was never so related with the manufacture of clothes and accessories as nowadays. The increase concern about the climate changes and the ultimate last 4 years view on the ethic fashion, are the reason why we will see this year the green color all over the world.

Leave me any comment you have,

