People love denim but do I?

Last year the denim trend was so overrated, that I only read articles about the multiple ways of using your T-shirt and jeans. There were tons of people wearing the exactly type of outfit, with no difference than the shoes or the bags. So I was wondering how about to take this hyped-up trend and mix it with our hats?  


I decided to return to one of our emblematic places here in Guayaquil, Las Peñas, and take there some photos. Claudia, the daughter of my father´s partner, took the colourful pictures. Eventhough we were soo exposed to the sun, the time we have there was really worth it.


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For this ocasion I wore a Desigual dress, black sandals and different models of hats with the aesthetic denim. You can find the models here:

People always sucumb to the enchantment of  denim and so do I! 😀

Stay tuned and wait for my next article!


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«Blues in my soul»

Yesterday it was a very blues day. The Ecuadorian American center in Guayaquil, organized a musical event where Blues was the main protagonist of the night. They brought the amazing guitarist and singer Lurrie Bell. The concert started on time (7:10 pm) and finished approx. one hour and a half later.


Lurrie Bell began to play guitar at age of six, and in his adolescence he glazed his skills playing with some legends of Chicago blues set like Eddie Taylor and Big Walter Horton. Even though Bell´s career seems to be going forwards through the years, he won so much attention of the people, that later he developed some emotional problems and also drug abuse, that didn´t let him to perform with his normally skills.

Fortunately he passed all this path and return to delight us with his God-touched fingers. Additionally in 2014 he won a Blues Music Award for his track «Blues in my Soul», in the ‘Song of the Year’ category. Bell was also nominated for a similar award in four other categories. This year he won a Blues Music Award in the ‘Traditional Blues Male Artist’ category.


I attended to the event in company of my dad, and we have the infinite pleasure of giving him one of our precious hats (there were also other hats for the members of his band). They played the entire concert with our iconic hat, and songs like “Let´s talk about love” gave us chills of excitement. Everyone enjoyed their performance and you could see the audience clapping their hands and moving their feet according to the beat.


I used for this occasion a Bershka dress, black sandals, a cardigan Lu by Lolita such as a white classic Panama Hat (but never mind). You can find it here.


There are a lot of things more important to use like a big smile when you met such an artist.

leave all your comments,

Andrea Lecaro


«Somewhere in la Mancha, in a place whose name I do…»

“Finally, from so little sleeping and so much reading, his brain dried up and he went completely out of his mind.” Do you remember the one single classic character, who read so much that got completely crazy? This Spanish book, recently, celebrated its 400 year anniversary, and the entire world (even though the people who do not have read it all) recognize its literary value and might have shared a few of its legendary sentences.

I have to say that I was a little afraid of the length of this book, so it was not my first option for my lecture list but at the University, I had a special course that introduced me to this magnificent story.  The last day of that course my teacher told us: “Now you can feel very good, you are part of the few people that have read this book entirely”.

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So for this article, I really wanted to share with you the love that I have for Don Quijote de la Mancha. This character has a very special nature, as a “knight-errant”, always searching for new adventures and also willing to prove his courage. I think that the best hat model option for him would definitely be the Traveller Classic by Ecua-Andino. This hat can really get through tough situations like “fights with giants, magicians or brave moors” – a long-lasting and reliable hat, for any trip you have!

The best part is that you can adjust it to your head.

Please don´t think I´m crazy or dummy to make these literary associations, or….who knows maybe I am? Remember that I am a Literature student…;)


You can find this model here.


Let’s stay in touch and don’t forget to feed back with comments,




Are you ready for some exciting news?

In less than a week we will have our entire new video for the 2016 Gallery Collection.

In order to make a photo shoot it involves quite a great staff!


The entire team . From left to right : Ricky Cohete, Eduardo Aspiazu, Majo Paredes, Eloïse Cornu, Estefanía Ramón, Leira Araújo, me and my dad Alejandro.

 From Ricky Cohete (without any doubt the best Ecuadorian fashion photographer), our great models, María José Paredes & Eduardo Aspiazu, and an amazing production team (Eloïse, Estefanía, Leira and myself), everyone gave its 100% of involvement in the development of the video.

Ecua-Andino has been creating fashion videos since 2012 that not only show new hat collections, but also share a story. This time the locations were two of the sunniest places here in Ecuador, La Lobería and La Chocolatera. We started the day with a little failure (a flat tire), but it did not matter, after some good coconut and watermelon we were back on track. My friend Leira ()and I were in charge of the backstage pictures, it was very amusing to see us like annoying paparazzis behind Ricky most of the time.

For this occasion we were all wearing Panama Hats, it just seemed like a colorful walking rainbow.

I opted for a lookalike Bee outfit (yellow/black t-shirt), some denim shorts and a pair of simili Birkenstocks sandals, but my best choice was the electric yellow hat model by Ecua-Andino (can you spot the Toucan logo?)


You will see some pictures below,






Get prepared for the new video!



Blue is the prettiest color!

I recently received some advice from a family member to change the colors of my dark outfits. I have to confess that I love all the shades of cold colors just like blue for example. So (yes again!) I used a light blue pair of jeans, black casual sandals and a porcelain print blouse.

A few days ago was organized a bazar in my home country that took place for the weekend and where our Ecua-Andino Panama Hats were sold.



This littlemarket takes place approx two times a year, for Christmas and Mother’s day. The stands showed different types of products from Ecuador, such as jewelry, clothes, foods, cosmetics.

This time, it was taking place in the Teatro Sanchez Aguilar with an outstanding neoclassical architecture building.




That day I wore a light blue model hat that you can find just here ,

Keep in touch,

Andrea Lecaro

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Sun, sun, sun, here it comes!


Ecuador is in a very blessed position, all the year we have  a plenty sun in the sky. So for this ocassion i decided to post about a quick trip I made to a beach named General Villamil. This beach is located very close from Guayaquil, aprox one hour and a half. Maybe the night life is not so evident like in other ecuadorian seaboards, but the township is working on this point.




There are several places to eat seafood ( I went to La Ostra que fuma, they have one of the best dishes like the gratin oyster).

Address:Township of Playas, Street 8

 If you are a desserts lover, you have to visit  » La Casa de Marie et Gabriel»,  and ask them for their lemon pie, coconut flan, chocolate cake and other pretty deliciuos stuff.

Adress: Ave. Jaime Roldós Aguilera, angled to «la Madre de Playas» park.

 I went in company of two good friends, one of them took all the photos / @JossKat.  I have to admited that eventhough we live in a warm country, we don´t always have the chance to go to the beach, so when I arrived to Playas I decided to go directly to the sea. I wore a classic light blue model hat, you can find it here,  and my favourite pair of sandals, the Eco Panama Sandals and a long white blouse with some red embroidery.


Keep in touch for further articles,


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Click and start!

Hi guys,

Just a little note about when I discovered the Polyvore amazing website and that I realized it would help me a lot with ???. I have always had fun with my sisters clicking on a product image and instantly having it in my closet (at least this app gives me a virtual experience on how I would look like with these outfits).

As my daily options I prefer to dress casual (most of my clothes are black, grey or blue) but this year I decided to start using more colorful clothes. I let you some examples on how to combine the must-have hat of the season, a Panama Hat and some nice apparel.


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You can find the entire models here,

Stay in touch,



What can we do at night here in Guayaquil?

That’s the mainly question people ask me while visiting my country.

Some of my friends do complain about how little options for entertainment there are here. I think you only need to use a comfortable outfit (including of course your beloved Panama Hat) and take the city by storm!

The best advice is to discover these places in good company. Virgit (the owner of Preppyfashionist blog) and Krystell G. (who took the entire photos) were my companions during this evening. 


For the occasion, we went to two places located in one of our emblematic streets: Numa Pompilio LLona. The first one is the Arthur’s Cafe and the second one is an inspired bar named Rayuela, in honor of Julio Cortázar’s representative novel.

What I like most about the first bar?

Definitely the view on the river and the harbor. The decoration here is kind of vintage and navy-oriented, it has an eye-catching table (actually it’s a bathtub), and also some vintage furniture like a radio, a record player, chairs…. On weekends they also play live music.

The addresse is here: Numa Pompilio Llona 127



What I like most about the second bar?

When you enter in Rayuela, you find a very bohemian atmosphere surrounded by good music.  On the walls there a some relevant quotes of the book and the illumination is through cute candles and soft lights. We ate the mountain of nachos and chile ( it was pretty (amazingly) good) and also had a cocktail.  

An important fact here is that you should made some reservations, because normally there are a lot of people that go there.

Follow them on Facebook:



For this occasion I wore a black blouse, a flowered pencil skirt and clogs, but without doubt my best election was the splash black model Ecua-Andino Hat that I chose (collection 2014).

Stay in touch,



Are you not quite sure of the weather?


These days my city, Guayaquil has a weather that changes very dramatically.  Last Tuesday I wanted to take some photos with an outfit that I really liked it, and you know what? The raindrops began to fall and at that moment the only  two things I was thinking about was: 1) I only need a single photo of my oufit (the hat must be photographed) 2) Smile-eventhought-you know you are getting totally wet. 

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 The sky was totally cloudy and I was a little disapointed, but nevermind I think I got at least some good photos and hope you like it. The only light above my head was a lighthouse (surely you will notice that).

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Perhaps you will tell me how did I do to keep my Panama Hat dry? I will tell you a little secret… (Ecua-Andino’s 2015 collection launched a special plastic protection for the hat, you will see the photo below)

urban invierno

So if you want to go out, but are not quite sure of the weather, don’t worry there’s always a solution to it.

For this occasion I wore a casual pair of jeans, some black sandals and a black striped blouse. But my best election was the urban style model hatfor my head.

You can find it here.

Keep in touch,



Pics by Virgit Canaz (
